You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Monday, 8 August 2011


There are a million blogs out there, and trying to separate this one from all others is the challenge and the key. There is no point writing a blog if you’re happy to just be part of the background.

So how will I go about filling this blog with worthwhile content?

My opinions don’t mean much to many. Therefore it’s all about getting original, interesting content either from, or about, people who do have an audience. Interviews are the way to do this.

I find the hardest part of trying to get interviews is the initial contact, or more importantly the details required to make contact. All the journalists I have previously contacted have been polite enough to reply and if not do the interview immediately, give a better time to contact again. It is not always easy to get their email addresses though, and it can require creativity.

I follow lots of music journalists on twitter, they often have links to interesting articles as well as sharing their opinions on music that they couldn’t do normally in an article.

I have not, as of yet, tried to contact any of them via twitter regarding interviews as I think it’s unlikely they will share their contact information on there. I have however tweeted several about bits they have written and had replies, so hopefully my name will ring a bell when I do make more formal contact.

It is, like all of life I’m discovering, all about who you know. One interview can lead to another and so on. So obviously the hardest one to get is the first.

I have begun to compile a database of interviewees and although the contact details column is a little bare, there is enough to go on.

Stay tuned for the first interview, hopefully within the next few weeks. In the mean time I will continue to try and say something original or interesting about whatever is in the music news.

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